
If you did not select the option to have statistics produced when you first created your free counter please refer to the Setup page which shows you how to turn the feature on to enable statistics to be produced.

If you did select the stats option when creating your counter or you have completed the steps mentioned above to enable them, once you log in to your counter account you will see something very similar to the image below.

1 = The overall summary of your free webcounter statisitcs.

2 = The hourly summary of the counter statistics.

3 = The daily summary of the counter statistics.

4 = The weekday summary of the counter statistics.

5 = The weekly summary of the counter statistics.

6 = The monthly summary of the counter statistics.

7 = This is a summary of the geographical locations of the sites visitors.

8 = This is a summary of the various operating systems, mobile devices used and applications used in the visitors browsers and machine.

9 = The total number of visits the webpage has had which includes any page reloads.

10 = The number of unique visitors to the website. Unique visitors are visitors to the website who have not previously been to the website.

11 = The number of visitors who have previously been to the website and have a cookie on their machine they acquired from their previous visit.

12 = The number of times the site has been visited minus the number of unique hits and minus the returning visitors.