
The statistics that are generated by our free counter are very thorough and quite possibly a little complex for the average user. This is why we have created this Statistics section within our FAQs pages to assist any user wishing to use the statistics to their full capabilities.

Navigating the statistics is a fairly straightforward task but may be a little more difficult than most; before we started building the statistics area we asked all our users first what they would prefer in their statistics and we have tried to accommodate most of the requests.

Statistics, because of their nature are multi directional and can be interpreted and calculated several different ways, and this we have tried to build into your statistics so we can extract all the information feasibly possible so that each user who has different needs from the statistics can formulate the figures they need, of course this has produced an interface that reflects the complexity of this and over time will improve and add to all the statistics generated to eventually give our users exactly what they want.

We welcome your comments on this, we have tried to include a lot of foresight for future amendments and additions to the statistical area, but always welcome all opinions to make this interface easier for everyone to understand, and to be honest most users sail through the navigation without a problem.

When selecting certain options within the stats pages a user will see specific options that have (PRO) printed next to them. This is now free and will always remain free for the foreseeable future as we are currently receiving sufficient funds to support the free counter service as it stands.